Monday, March 30, 2009

So, let's start over

with the meal tracking that is. I forgot to write down what I ate each day. Oops. This week I'll keep track by saving a draft post, adding to it each night then posting it next Sunday night.

As for working out, I did pretty well.

Monday - off
Tuesday - Zumba, 60 minutes
Wednesday - cardio, 20 minutes; weights, 20 minutes
Thursday - off
Friday - Turbo Kick, 60 minutes
Saturday - Zumba, 60 minutes
Sunday - off

The fitness center is going to start limiting Zumba classes to 30 people. It's a good idea in that the classes are overcrowded. Not so good in that there's a chance I won't get a spot a lot of the time. You can go up to an hour early to sign in and get a numbered pass for the class. I can't go that early, I usually get there about 10 minutes before the class starts. I have a feeling by then most, if not all, of the spots will be taken. We'll see what happens.

Oh, and I lost a pound. I saw a number on the scale I hadn't seen in months. It was exciting. Then it came back. But I was down a pound for a day!

How did you do this week?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Working out

I've actually started to enjoy working out. I used to just do because I knew I should but it was usually half-hearted. But, with the classes I've been taking I've discovered, if not a love, a like of working out.

So what do I do?

Kickboxing. Not as regularly as I like. There's a Thursday night class I take and when it works out with Beth (my neighbor I trade babysitting with) or Michael is home, I try to go. I like everything about it except the running.

Zumba. If you've read my other blog you know I love Zumba. So fun. Great cardio workout.

Boot Camp. This is a relatively new class at our fitness center. I've only been able to go twice, and then it was the into/beginner version because it's on nights I can't attend. But, starting in April they're adding a Wednesday morning class that I will be taking. I can't wait. The guy that teaches it was in the Marines. It's a lot of push-ups, jumping jacks, abdominal work, squats, sprints, running laps, step-ups on the bleachers (where we put our left leg on the first bleacher then step up with the right leg dangling down, we sometimes do 50 on each leg. Other times we'll kick out, or to the side), he's had us get a step out then you step on it alternately feet super fast. or bunny hops on it. Ugh. My legs hurt so badly afterwards. It's awesome though. They're things I can do on my own but by myself I'm likely to stop when I start getting tired. Here, I don't want to quit in front of everyone because, well, that would be embarrassing. Again, dislike the running portion. Well, the sprints are too bad. It's the laps I'm not good at. No stamina.

Cardio. I will walk on the treadmill, use the elliptical-like machine. I'm not sure exactly what it's called, but your legs move up and down on a track, so it's like an elliptical, but not quite the same motion. You can change the resistance and slope. I like it. Cardio is the hardest for me. I get bored.

Weights. Sometimes I do my own thing, either with free weights or the machine. Sometimes just upper body, sometimes both upper and lower. I definitely don't work out my lower half on the machines enough. Sometimes lunges and squats. Other times I follow a Biggest Loser circuit training workout. I like that because I feel like I'm working harder than when I do it on my own. I'll do some abdominal work usually, although not a ton. I will also go out to either the bleachers and do step-ups and kicks like in the boot camp class. For recording purposes, all non-cardio will fall under the weights category.

Spinning. I've only done this once but I liked it more than I thought I would. This is one class that you do have to pay for though, so I don't know that I'll do it that often. It was a nice change though.

So, where do you work out? How often? What do you like to do? Do you follow a strict schedule? Do you have a trainer?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I guess I should post my goals. I don't need to lose a lot of weight. Technically I'm not overweight, but it's enough that I'm not happy where I'm at. It's mainly in my stomach. I was thinking about it last night - I look like I'm pregnant. You know, early stages, but still, it's just enough and in the right place that I could be pregnant. (I'm not, by the way.) And I thought how when you're pregnant you can't wait to show. At least I couldn't. I wanted everyone to know I was pregnant. Now, whenever I work out I think someone's going to ask me when I'm due...okay, so I don't think anyone would actually ask, but they could be thinking it!

I've put my weight loss goals in to stages.

1st goal: pre-pregnancy weight of 119. Now depending on the day, that's anywhere from 6 to 10 pounds to go. Yesterday morning I weighed 125. Today, 128.

2nd goal: wedding weight of 113.

3rd goal: arbitrary weight of 110. If I had to pick a weight with meaning, it'd be high school, but there's no way I will ever be 106 pounds again. And that's fine by me.

Numbers aside, I'll really be happy to just lose the belly. I don't mind so much about the number on the scale or what size jeans I buy, I just would like a flatter stomach. The numbers are a way of me having a goal. I've also taken measurements of certain body parts but those I'm not sharing. ;)

So, anyone else out there trying to lose weight? Did you set some goals? How are you doing it? Exercise? Eating habits? Have any good recipes or work out tips?

PS, I'm pretty sure this will be a picture-free blog.

I feel the need to state that I realize no one may ever read this. Because really, how interesting is this to anyone other than me? But if you are reading this, I'd love it if you'd say hello. :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

I have no will power.

No, really, I don't. I cannot resist Dr. Pepper. Or Russel Stover caramel eggs (or hearts or santas depending on the holiday) and tootsie rolls. They are my downfall.

So I decided to start another blog. Somewhere for me to log daily what I ate and my workouts. My goal is to keep track of everything I eat each day and if I work out that day, what I did and for how long. I'm hoping that by having to admit on here that I had two Dr. Peppers and 2 caramel hearts will shame me into not having two Dr. Peppers and 2 caramel hearts. Of course, I could decide I just don't care and have them anyway. We'll see. :)

I've been trying to lose the baby weight from Mackenzie, for, oh about 16 months and 3 weeks. With Emma, it was so easy. It literally just fell off. With Mac...not so much. I've stalled out with 6 pounds to go. Or 9, depending on the day. It's not for lack of exercise. That I do. I've actually gotten pretty good at that lately.

But eating is my downfall. And it's not just Dr. Pepper and candy. I'm just not into all that healthy food. Much more a meat and potatoes kind of girl. Read: lots of carbs. For lunch a lot of times I'll have Bob Evans Mac and Cheese (a horrifying 660 calories), croissants with cheese (reduced fat and fat free, respectively), get the point. I don't think I'm a terrible eater though. I don't eat much fast food, I don't snack on chips and cookies and such. But the things that people eat when losing weight/being healthy I just don't like: salads, salmon, nuts, fresh veggies. Just not my thing. Although I do like a lot of cooked vegetables. And fruit. Overall, I'm just picky.

So I'm being realistic here. I'm not going to change my eating habits overnight. I'm not even going to try. I don't plan on giving up Dr. Pepper or candy. It's all about moderation. Smaller portions, better snacks, less Dr. Pepper and candy only as a treat once a week or so. I think I can do that.